Thursday, December 22, 2011
Baby's First Christmas

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thanksgiving Savings!

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Introducing Faye & Lou Products from the UK!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Baby Kimonos are Here!

Brand new! Super soft and comfortable Mini Kimono is an easy to use baby bathrobe made of organic cotton and bamboo! This is a great accessory for Tummy Tub because the hood can be put on while baby is still in the bath and keeps baby warm.
- Features a roomy hood to keep warmth in after a bath
- No ties or sleeves make using Mini Kimono a breeze!
- 3 soft colors Pink, Blue, Natural White
- Great price at $25!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Independence Day Savings!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Dads & the Tummy Tub!
Dad of twins says: "After buying the Tummy Tub, we got home and started kicking ourselves for spending so much money on a darn tub. However, the sales guy was quite persuasive that this was the best tub available. Having been giving baths for 3 months now, we totally agree. Not once have the twins cried when taking a bath. Actually, they smile more in the bath than any other time during the day. I don't know what it is about the Tummy Tub but I highly recommend it."
Eric, dad to Ava, says: "Tummy what? There is no way Ava (16 months old) is going to fit comfortably in this little bucket! One night my wife yells out to me to come to the bathroom. There was Ava sitting happily in this bucket, like a pig in mud. She looked to be really liking her new bath. The next night it was my turn to bathe Ava. I just lifted Ava into the Tummy Tub and she sat herself down comfortably, if I needed to wash her, I only needed to ask her to stand up. There is even room for her to blow bubbles in the water. She just loves it, the only thing is it takes ages to coax her out of the bath. Someone once said “the converted makes the best advocates”.
It's true that dads love the TummyTub! We see wonderful pictures all the time. The bonding experience with the TummyTub is unparalleled and babies feel secure in the fetal position with daddy right there. If you are a new or expectant dad looking for a fun way to bond with your baby and get something practical accomplished at the same time, look no further!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Customer Favorite: Natural Sea Sponges!

Happy Memorial Day!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Tummy Tub Receives Baby Planner Seal of Approval!

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Easter Sale Now through 4/28!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Meet Baby Quinn....Our Happy Baby Contest Winner!

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Heard Through the Grapevine....Parent Reviews
Friday, February 18, 2011
Vote Now For Tummy Tub in the Cribsie Awards!

How the Voting Process Works: Voting will be open to the public from February 18th through March 18th, at http://cribsieawards.com. At the close of the voting period, the Finalist in each category who has accrued the most votes will be the winner of a Cribsie Award. Please note that the voting process limits votes cast to one vote per unique user, per award.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Spread the Love with Valentine's Savings!

Friday, January 28, 2011
The Cuddledry Story
about cuddledry
The Cuddledry concept was founded in the UK by Helen Wooldridge and Polly Marsh, two long term friends, now working mums. Their first product was the organic Cuddledry baby bath towel - now a multiple award-winner and a 'must-have' for all new mums and dads.
They discovered through their own experience that learning how to take care of your newborn was stressful enough, without the extra slippery problems associated with getting your precious wriggling bundle safely out of the bath!
Most baby towels are lightweight squares, which parents have to hold awkwardly under their chin or between teeth in order to have two hands free to lift baby. The only alternative is to lay them on the bathroom floor, certainly not giving baby the warmth and protection they crave when lifted from bathwater into cold air. Both methods upset babies, so Helen and Polly came up with Cuddledry to make the bath exit a bonding time, not a stress!
The Cuddledry baby towel attaches to the parent like an apron, so both hands are free. Lifting baby up out of the bath is easy and safe, and you cuddle and dry your baby in your arms naturally, strengthening the bond between you when baby feels most vulnerable. You don't have to think about holding a towel at all.
This is the major safety advantage of the Cuddledry system, but there are plenty more features to its unique design. The towel ensures the parent STAYS DRY and therefore less likely to get the floor wet and slip, and the towel is ATTACHED to you which prevents the risk of having to move away from your baby for even a second. The SINGLE-HANDED EASY RELEASE poppers allow you to simply remove the towel from yourself and lay baby down on their changing mat still snugly wrapped. In addition, the towel is DOUBLE-LAYERED, not only giving it a luxurious thick texture, but absorbing water faster and keeping it away from baby's skin.
The Cuddledry certified organic baby bath towel is safer, more eco-friendly and luxurious than anything else you can buy for your baby. We at Baby Meet World are proud to be the exclusive US Distributor for Cuddledry, with it's own brand name of Snuggledry for the US. Be sure to check out this luxurious must-have towel for that special baby in your life!
Happy bathing!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Baby Dream Gear Classes Starting Soon!

Monday, January 10, 2011
Tummy Tub Featured at Pre-Golden Globes Boom Boom Room

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Lucy is our Happy Baby Contest Winner!
Monday, January 3, 2011
New Products Now In Stock: Snuggledry, Steps, Baby on Board!