Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
In Their Own Words....Why Parents Choose Tummy Tub

I have both the tub and the stool and LOVE it so much! My son who is now almost 9 weeks calms down instantaneously when he's in it (and loves to spash and play). Also, when he has a tummy ache, it's a miracle cure! The stool is great too because it holds all his bath supplies and personally I think it look really cute in our bathroom. I can't wait for him to be able to use the stool for hand washing and teeth brushing later on! By far one of the best baby items I got (clearly I could go on about the Tummy Tub for hours)! Paula N.
Our son, Charles, has bathed in the tummy tub exclusively since birth. I love this tub for 3 reasons: 1st, Charles stays nice and warm during bath time because he's immersed in the water right below his shoulders and 2nd, it is sooo “green.” 3rd, its compact so it doesn't take up counter space. The proof is in the tub: video! Jennifer R.
We first used the Tummy Tub on New Year's Eve. Our little girl was so over stimulated from being around extended family that she was almost inconsolable. My brother sent over his son's Tummy Tub and we tried it. MAGIC!! She loved it. Elizabeth D.
I heard about the Tummy Tub from a friend and decided to get one for our 8 week old daughter. We had been giving sponge baths but this looked much better. The first night we used it, our daughter Sabina loved it. It definitely is not a bucket, it has a unique contour that gives it a strong center of gravity and hugs the baby. It is environmentally friendly since it uses a perfect amount of water each time. Baby is submerged and really likes the sensation of being surrounded by warm water. When our daughter is agitated in the evening and sometimes in the afternoon, we give her a ten minute bath for attitude adjustment and everybody is happy. I would highly recommend Tummy Tub to any parent. Michael M.
After struggling with bath time, we were introduced to the TummyTub. What a fantastic blessing for parents and babies! When we used the TummyTub with our newest baby, she was calm and seemed to know she was safe. We've had the same experience every time afterward. Babies are little for such a short time. It makes me happy, as a mother, to discover anything I can to make babyhood gentle, safe and happy for my children. TummyTub is one of those ways. Katharine M.
My son LOVES his Tummy Tub. We bought it when he was 9 weeks old and in the throes of a colic nightmare. It soothed him like nothing other, and still relaxes him before bed. Loretta L.
I bought a Tummy Tub this week. My 5 week old doesn't like the bath that much, but as soon as I put him in the Tummy Tub he became docile, almost sleeping in it. I love Tummy Tub and it is probably my best buy! Diane L.
Jasper loved his daily TummyTub from the time we left the hospital (I’ll be taking it with me to the hospital if there is a next time). The content look that fell over his face once I placed him into the tub was amazing! It settled him so much, it was the integral part of our bedtime routine. I also believe that it aided in getting rid of gas and preventing colic. I must admit at times it could have resembled a bubble bath! There was another massive plus for me in using the TummyTub. Jasper was / is a wriggle worm and feed times often resembled a weird form of baby yoga… but after a bath in his tub he was so relaxed he had the best feed of the day, and I knew at bed time I had one content little man! Cassie mom of 2
The other night Emma was screaming and I'm sure it was due to her reflux but I couldn't get her to stop. She was crying off and on for a good hour or so and I ran out of options to calm her and then I remembered I had the TummyTub so I got my husband to go grab it for me and of course as soon as I stuck Emma in there she stopped crying! I let her play in there for about an hour (crazy long I know!) but she just seemed so peaceful and I got to watch the rest of my show on TV! A win win situation for sure! As soon as I took her out she fell right to sleep! Our TummyTub is a lifesaver! I'm sure it is one of our most valuable possessions in our home to us! I would pay double the amount for it just for the peace it brings us alone! Kim H. from NJ
Plenty more testimonials on our website!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
In Their Own Words....Why Birth Professionals Endorse the Tummy Tub

Traditional bathing procedures can threaten a young infant's security. Then baby screams and the bather becomes tense and uncomfortable, too. The Tummy Tub actually relaxes baby because of the way it supports and contains baby in a flexed position- something familiar from the womb. Baby is calm and so is the bather. Bath time can be a soothing ritual that enhances bonding instead of a battle. Dr. William Sears, M.D. & Martha Sears, R.N.
As a mother and a certified nurse midwife, I have nothing but positive things to say about our experience with the Tummy Tub. I highly recommend it to my clients, friends, and colleagues. I really hope it sparks a revolution in infant care products. More products should be designed to promote family comfort, peace, and bonding as is the case with the Tummy Tub and 2-Step Stool. Bath time is no longer a stressful, back breaking chore to get through. Instead it is a healthy, warm, loving interaction between parent and child. I am very impressed with the Tummy Tub and 2-Step stool's ease of use, functionality, and design which captures the wisdom of the mother's womb; inspired by divine creation. Video & read full testimonial here. Jannah Alaoui CNM, MSN, Barakah Midwifery in San Jose, CA
As a birth and postpartum doula and apprentice midwife, I have been enthusiastically recommending Tummy Tub to my clients and other couples I work with! It is always a pleasure to see fussy new babies calm and settle themselves as they settle comfortably into a deep, soothing warm bath that is so similar to the womb environment they recently left. My babysitter bathes her 6 month old son in my demo tummy Tub quite often, as well, and although a very substantial little fellow, he still fits beautifully and enjoys his baths immensely. My clients who use the Tummy Tub tell me they can't imagine how anyone does without one, and I'm glad they have such a useful tool to help them in the early months of parenting. I look forward to seeing these babies transition to using the base as a step stool in the years to come when they are too big for the tub and too small to reach the sink without help. What a wonderful invention! Heidi Horner, CD (DONA) Motherwit Doula & Postpartum Services Fredericksburg, VA
The TummyTub is a marvelous product. As a doula, childbirth educator, and lactation educator, and midwife's assistant, I have the privilege of working with a lot of new parents. One of the most important things I can teach them is how to calm their baby down. As soon as I got to try out the TummyTub for myself, I knew it was special. Unlike other baby bathtubs, the TummyTub allows the baby to be in an upright, womb-like posture, which combined with the warm water helps to relax a crying baby and alleviate gas and colicky pain. I am excited to share the TummyTub with my clients. I can't think of a better way to welcome a new baby and gently ease her entry into the world. Robin Gray-Reed, CD, HBCE BirthShadow Doula Services Santa Barbara, CA
Hello, my name is Brianna Penny. I am a certified birth and postpartum doula, lactation and infant massage educator, and a licensed massage therapist. I have tried your product, and as a professional, I wouldloveto be able to provide my clients with literature and samples. As you know, being a new parent and sifting through all the product options can be overwhelming. I find that as a doula, it is my responsibility to assist and guide my birth parents to safe, effective, and quality products. Your products are simply that-safe, effective, and high quality. Thank you once again, and keep up the phenomenal work servicing the community! Brianna Penney, CD, CPD, CHBE, CAN, IME, LMT Birth, Postpartum Doula & Massage Services Port St. Lucie, Florida
We have been putting our babies in the tub shortly after birth for the last 11 years (my first tester was my nephew) and then they take the tub home to use up to the first year of life. Even my doctor colleagues have the nurses put the babies in the tub right away. We don't treat the cords with alcohol or blue triple dye and even with getting the cord wet daily and even several times a day we have never had an umbilical cord infection and the cords dry up and fall off earlier than the cords that we're treated. There is known to be a natural anti-infection property in the cord that does not require any treatment. We also put boys in the tub after the circ and have not had any problems. Twice a year we have "Bootie Camp" and have a live demo on how to use the tub and then we encourage the Dad to practice before discharge. Lila, CNM from Ilinois
Tummy Tub is a great idea. Most of all I like that baby is upright and I can fill it enough with water to keep baby warm in the bath. The tubs that lie back make me so sad because baby has to be cold during bath time or bath time has to be quicker so to avoid making baby chilly. This is a GREAT solution for keeping baby happy and warm! Thanks again so much for your contribution to my classes and my work. I can safely say that moms are excited to get their hands on the tummy tub as we play bath time in class! Lauren Metelski Birth Doula (DONA) Childbirth Educator Lexington, KY
More testimonials from professionals here!Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Clear Tummy Tubs are now $29.99!!!